I blog from Starbucks

I just drank a four-dollar latte!
It was delicious and so was the slice of pumpkin bread that went with it.
I would post pictures but since I don't own a laptop I am on my daughter's machine and it's not a Mac and I'm just all discombobulated.
So, no pictures today. I was going to show you Andrew on the soccer field and Andrew in goal and Andrew walking to the car with his dad after his team lost the game.
I was going to show you Javier chilling on the couch at Audrey's house, and how pretty Audrey looked on Saturday at the soccer match.
I planned to show you Andrew and his friend, Allie, sitting over here across from me, playing on their iPhones and drinking smoothies.
I thought I might show you TG sitting beside me, reading. He's drinking some kind of iced tea concoction with passion in its name. It's red.
But due to technical difficulties I cannot accomplish that so I will just say hello!
I hope you're having a pleasant Sunday.
Here in Knoxville it is sunny and very warm.
For lunch today we had homemade barbecue and potato salad and a few other sides.
My barbecue is Andrew's favorite.
What you do is, you buy yourself a nice plump pork loin. I use close to five pounds when I make this recipe.
Cut the loin into medallions a few inches thick and put those puppies into a crock pot.
Liberally coat the meat with Worcestershire sauce and creole seasoning.
Turn the crock pot to high and let the meat cook for about five hours, or until it's falling apart. I cooked mine during the night last night.
When the pork is fork-tender you turn off the crock pot and set the meat aside on a plate to cool.
Pour out the cooking juice but don't wash the crock pot. Keep it plugged in.
When the pork has assumed room temperature, pull it into shreds, removing all the fat, and put the shredded meat back into the crock pot.
This part is fun. You get out your bottle of ketchup, a bottle of store-bought barbecue sauce (your favorite kind will do but I like thick and spicy), a bottle of Tabasco, a bottle of yellow mustard, and some dark brown sugar.
On top of the pork in the crock pot just shake, shake, shake that Tabasco bottle until you have dispensed the amount you like.
We like a lot. In South Carolina it's the vinegary heat that makes our barbecue so sensational. Or maybe it's just me, because my mama and daddy were from Louisiana.
At any rate, next you squeeze in a bunch of ketchup, some mustard, and at least half the bottle of barbecue sauce.
Toss in some brown sugar. More if you like sweeter barbecue; less if you don't.
You don't measure anything. You eyeball it. It's easier that way. It's almost impossible to make a mistake.
Then you stir, stir, stir it all up and let it heat on low for a few hours until ready to serve.
Mine did that while we were at church this morning.
The result is good, y'all. Almost unbelievably good, to have taken so little skill to prepare.
Easy barbecue. I think your family will like it.
Mine eat it like all tomorrows have dropped from all calendars in the whole world.
And now it appears the patient members of my faithful entourage are getting restless so I bid you adieu.
Happy Sunday!
Reader Comments (9)
Maybe you'll show us your photos another day. Your barbecue sounds divine. Don't you just love stuff that cooks while you're in church. I'm doing this next Sunday. Thanks Jenny.
What good Southerner doesn't cherish their barbeque?! Glad you made it to K-ville safe and sound and having a good time! We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!!!
I've pictured all those things you talked about and decided you were having a wonderful weekend!
The pork sounds so good!
That sounds like one fiery pot of barbecue. Are you in Knoxville visiting Andrew? He has a friend named Allie? 8-D
If you have an IPhone, Download the app called...BlogWriter! Take pictures with your IPhone, open BlogWriter and do a post AND you can upload photos from your IPhone to put in your post! Easy! You don't need a computer!
Have a fun meeting with Donna today!! Take Pictures!!
I've fixed BBQ in the crock pot that way, but never put that combination of stuff in for the sauce, it sounds good. I may have to try that this weekend.
I took my camera out this afternoon, the weather was around 80, clear sky, just beautiful. I took about 3 pictures and realized my battery was not charged. Darn. I have it charged now and will try again tomorrow.
A $4.00 coffee? I'll have tea, ha.
Once you're able to share photos again, I hope you'll grace us with photos of that BBQ!
Starbucks, pumpkin bread and barbeque...YUMMO!!!!!!!!!!
Always like a good barbecue recipe. Your's sounds wonderful. Hope you are doing great and missing the repartee. God bless.