Tag you're it

So yesterday as TG and I drove to church, squirrels kept running out in front of our car.
We were still in our neighborhood.
I remarked that while I had been traveling to and from North Carolina late last week, I was aghast at the number of squirrels hopping willy-nilly across the Interstate.
Rash. Too rash.
TG responded with one of his patented remarks which I find so funny, I almost forget to laugh.
"Someone should mark off an area, like say a square mile, tag a bunch of squirrels, and find out how many make it through the winter," he suggested.
I must admit I was so flummoxed by the mere idea of tagging squirrels that I sort of mocked TG.
"Sweetheart," I said. "Why in the name of all that's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed would anyone take the trouble to tag squirrels?"
Those were not my exact words. Go with me on this.
It was not my intention to be hateful but I was so tickled, I was spluttering somewhat.
Fast forward to this morning while I was sitting on the front porch drinking my coffee.
Because it was then that I saw something.
It was a squirrel. Lying on his side underneath our big Oak.
He looked perfectly fresh and healthy. Just like he was sleeping.
Except he was dead.
He gone, I thought to myself. RIP skwerl.
And then I remembered what TG had suggested: The Columbia Squirrel Tagging Project.
"This squirrel would be very easy to tag," thought I.
But what would we learn? The ants have already discovered him.
On a whim I decided to Google the term "squirrel tagging."
Well shut my mouth.
I won't provide links but trust me: It has been done.
Someone somewhere -- probably funded by the Government -- has trapped and tagged a portion of the squirrel population within certain geographic parameters -- mostly in Arkansas -- so as to study their little behaviors.
From what I could ascertain upon perusing a pertinent PDF, mainly what they learned is that a decent number of the squirrels figure out a way to get the tags off their ears.
I mean, wouldn't you?
Seriously I could have told them why squirrels run out into the road in front of cars.
Because if you are what you eat, they are nuts.
Safety last.
And that is all for now.
Happy Monday ~ Happy Week

Reader Comments (5)
I'm glad someone is checking into squirrel behavior. Just goes to show how smart TG is!
Made me laugh out loud. I am not a squirrel lover. They have gotten the best of my tomatoes just as they begin to ripen again this year. Every one of them - they are not particular - they want anything just as it begins to ripen. I would like to tag them ....
Dead squirrels are my favorite!
I have already said everything I can think of to say about squirrels. Except that this dead one is too sad. My dad used to bring home damaged animals that he found on the side of the road. One time it was a hedgehog. I will never forget looking at him with my ten-year-old eyes after he died (because they always did, eventually) (the hedgehog, I mean, not my dad, although I didn't like looking at him after he died either) and the bluebottles were covering him. It was a traumatic sight. So I don't like the ants.
Hahaaaa....nuts...yes...as are many of the "squirrels" in Arkansas....
I thought I'd nailed one on my way home from work the other day...quick thinking little bugger just flattened him/herself out beneath the car and ducked...then completed the journey as I drove on ;-)