You Lie! And That's The Truth!
My Congressman, Joe Wilson, demonstrated the audacity of NOPE during Chairman Maobama's televised address to a joint meeting of Congress last week.
The beleaguered president had actually been lying for some time (during the speech, I mean) when Congressman Wilson, seated in the section where folks were not moved to ovate every 40 seconds, finally reached his quota and shouted "You lie!" loudly enough for the whole world to hear.
Amazingly, pro-life Congressman Wilson kept his own counsel earlier in the speech when President Obama had the gall to assert that his new healthcare plan will not fund abortions in the United States (which Federal tax dollars already do, by the way ... not only in America but in foreign countries).
When we say we want our country back, what we really mean is "I want my white guy back."
You lie!
Dear Leader went on to vociferously assert that his new healthcare plan will NOT provide healthcare coverage -- courtesy of the American taxpayer -- for millions of illegal aliens who, thanks to our government's penchant for winking at their wrongdoing, for some time have been the collective poster child for a near-total parasitic existence ... much to our national detriment.
That's when Joe Wilson lost it, uttering two words that turned out to be the truest -- evidenced by the fact that they are currently the most hotly disputed -- words spoken in the venerable venue on that fateful night.
You lie!
Left-wing harpy and New York Times "columnist" Maureen Dowd opined that when Joe Wilson shouted "You lie!" what he really said was "You lie, boy!" She claims that Barack Obama is "at the center of a period of racial turbulence sparked by his ascension." According to Dowd, Obama is the "ultimate civil rights figure" whose "legitimacy" is constantly challenged by a "loco fringe."
You lie!
Left-wing harpy and "comedienne" Janeane Garofalo told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann back in April that any dissent regarding President Obama's policies is "racism straight up." More recently she asserted that when we say we want our country back, what we really mean is "I want my white guy back."
You lie!
Left-wing harpy and "actress" Demi Moore and her boy-toy husband, "actor" Ashton Kutcher, got a bunch of "celebrities" together shortly after President Obama's inauguration and made a video. On it, the celebs "pledge" to do stuff like refusing plastic bags at the grocery store from now on, or drinking less bottled water, or getting rid of their obnoxious SUV's, or flushing the toilet less, or smiling at their neighbors more, or making fewer obscene gestures while driving.
Explore your options before your "boy" gets his healthcare reform bill passed, or you may be waiting a long time.
One person featured in the video flexes his heavily-tattooed biceps and noisily kisses each one to punctuate his pledge "to be a servant to Barack smack! Obama smack!"
The Kutcher family celebrity pledge video attempts to leave the viewer with the impression that all of the above will help the environment and transform America into a better place to live and make it so that we can stay on this planet "forever."
You lie!
Have you ever noticed that the most surefire way to give a liberal a case of the fantods is to tell him the truth?
Barack Obama DOES lie. Abortions ARE heavily funded in his healthcare bill. Coverage IS afforded to illegals in his bill.
Because if he didn't and they weren't and it wasn't, the pro-aborts and the left-wing loons would be braying in protest. Since they are not, you may rest assured that the requirements of these and other, equally nefarious and greedy, special-interest groups are satisfactorily -- nay, amply -- met by H.R. 3200.
No, Ms. Dowd; Joe Wilson did NOT say "You lie, boy!" He said "You lie!" And that's all he said, and that's precisely what he meant. He said it because it was true, and not because he once belonged to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, or had issues with Strom Thurmond's illegitimate mulatto daughter, or because he wanted to keep the Confederate flag waving atop our State House in 2000.
You're hearing things, Moron Maureen. You should get that checked out. Perhaps a shrink. Perhaps meds, or four-point restraints. Explore your options before your "boy" gets healthcare reform passed, or you may be waiting a long time.
No, Ms. Garofalo; the cries of millions of patriotic Americans desperate to reclaim our country is NOT simply peevish racist whining for a white guy in the White House.
Once you reject the very notion that there is any such thing as absolute truth, it's open season on morality of even the most basic sort.
If Barack Obama were white -- or even yellow or green, or pink-and-purple-polka-dotted -- thinking Americans would still be dismayed and outraged by his radical agenda, his terrorist buddies, his pandering to the Muslim world, and his hard-left push toward socialism.
If the 2008 presidential election had been won by a man as black as Barack Obama -- or even blacker -- who was conservative, anti-abortion, a Christian, and in favor of limited government, you and your "cerebral electorate" would be screaming bloody murder. You know it's true. Would that make you racist? Or are only conservatives capable of racism?
Oh, and Janeane? You seriously need to wash your hair.
No, Demi and cohorts; I won't refuse plastic bags at the grocery store or stop flushing my toilet. I don't drive an SUV or drink bottled water or make obscene gestures to my fellow drivers, but if I did I wouldn't stop those things either. I already smile at my neighbors. I don't believe in trashing our environment, but unlike you, I am cognizant of the fact that the "green" movement is a scam.
I'll bet you a carbon penance that with my modest lifestyle, if there were such a thing as a "carbon footprint" (which there isn't), mine would be far less significant than the one left by you or any of your potty-mouthed pals in that joke of a YouTube video.
Oh, and Demi? At least I never burdened the world with a banal strip tease "movie."
No, bicep-bussing weirdsmobile on the Kutcher family home video; I will never pledge to be a servant to any president of any ideological ilk. I pledge to serve only God, my country, and my fellow man. Oh, and real butter. Period.
The situation can be summed up in one sentence: We are engaged in the classic struggle of good versus evil.
Liberals come unglued when anyone suggests that there is a moral component to life. Conservatives come unglued when the liberal agenda threatens to bankrupt our society fiscally, socially, and morally.
Integral to all liberal philosophies is the idea that there is no God to whom humans are accountable. And once you reject the very notion that there is any such thing as absolute truth, it's open season on morality of even the most basic sort.
That's what Joe Wilson's commanding "You lie!" was all about.
And that's the truth.
Reader Comments (10)
Well Said! I've been reading lines from this post to my hubby and we are cheering. We voted for Alan Keyes in the Primary elections a few years ago. He is black and conservative, but the liberals don't agree with him. Were they called racist? No. It does seem to be only a one way road.
@ Mari ... I'm a big fan of Alan Keyes. Great guy. I wish we did have a conservative black president. I'd be all about that. Glad I was able to give you and Bob something to cheer about! LOLOL
@ Jennifer ... *deep curtsy*
Great point you made about the abortion crowd and Geraldo Rivera crowd not making a peep in protest to this ridiculous "health care" debacle. If they weren't covered I'm sure we would have heard all manner of kvetching from Planned Parenthood reps and Jennifer Lopez loooong before now.
I think Joe Wilson was out of line given the setting, but having said that, he apologized and that should be the end of it. They are deliberately beating it to death, which is hypocritical considering all the ways they undermined President Bush. And making it out to be racist is ridiculous and childish. It isn't and they know it isn't. As has already been pointed out, they are brutal to conservative black public figures. Well, would-be public figures, since they often completely ignore them as if they don't even exist. Alan Keyes was doing pretty well when he was running for President, but he was so roundly ignored by the media and not given any venues to debate or make his position known, he couldn't get any traction. Should we be yelling "racist" accusations?
You are correct! He did lie and continues to lie. It's good vs. evil. I commend you for standing strong for the truth. We know who will win this war.
You hit the nail on the head with this one. Enough is enough. He appologized for the outburst even though he was right and that should have been enough. A half truth is still a lie. And there a lot of half and quarter truths floating around in Washington right now.
Kudos to Joe Wilson. Especially for standing up to Bela Pelosi, and staring that useless piece of marxist crap from San Freakcisco down.
Three other examples of liberal hypocrisy on racism: Justice Clarence Thomas. National Security Advisor/Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. RNC Chair Michael Steele. Who on the Left has branded THEIR DETRACTORS as racists? No one, because their detractors ARE THE LEFT.
Game, set, match. The real racists ARE the Left, because without "racism", they would lose their current "when all else fails" card.
Oh dear! I'm so sick of constantly hearing the race card thrust in our faces and of moronic celebs who pretend to have an opinion and who believe anyone cares! I'm sorry to feel that our Prez certainly wants all to believe that only his opponents are capable of racism, mistakes and wrongdoing.