Miss Pink et al

Allissa a/k/a Miss Pink a/k/a Avid Collector of Acorns, together with sister Melly a/k/a Brave Cicada Hunter a/k/a Keeper of the Receptacle, did some important work on Labor Day.
Shortly after breakfast someone (I suspect it was Papaw) provided the girls with a Ziploc bag and suggested they begin herding up the acorns that have begun turning loose from the big frontyard Oak.
At times this involved parking your stuffed Koala and getting down and dirty.
Then there was the rigorous inspection process. Quality control, don'tcha know.
True to her confirmed status as a budding control freak and champion packrat, Melly was ultra-protective of the Ziploc bag, holding it open briefly for the introduction of new specimens before sliding the top shut again.
At some point Papaw made another helpful suggestion, to wit: You guys ought to put some cicadas in there with your acorns.
Oh gross.
Allissa wasn't keen on palming a dead cicada -- or even the empty rust-colored vacant shell of one that had relocated -- but Melly was more than down with it.
Several went into the bag. I did not take pictures of them because I don't want to have nightmares.
Later TG had another big idea: You guys want to go with Papaw to the garbage dump?
Oh yeah.
A final review of the curated acorns and cicada remains was conducted late in the afternoon as everyone prepared to leave for home.
Someone asked Allissa a question about the day's haul of nature samples.
Looking straight at her sister she demanded: "Did you get that 'cada?"
Melanie's answering smile gave the Mona Lisa a run for her lira in mystery and feminine allure.
I hope you too had an adventurous, delicious, crunchy, sweet, eventful, beautiful, natural, sharing, shining Labor Day.

Reader Comments (3)
If they run out of acorns, they're more than welcome to stop at our house! We have no cicada's though.
I bet they had a great day!
Hahaaaa...I remember those days, well!
Never knew WHAT they'd find!
Happy week sweetie!!
I love that t-shirt with the dog on it and the bow.
Our grandson loved to find frogs, turtles, etc. and always wanted to keep them. The last thing he found and wanted to keep was a SNAKE. It got out of the box on our big screened porch and I told him that was it, let the snake go and do NOT bring it back anywhere near our house. He wanted to take it back to Nashville with him. I hope the snake survived the short incarceration and got back to his family. ha