
We are proud of our Andrew this week, as always.
For the last month he has been ensconced (again) at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.
He has distinguished himself while there to the point that last week, a Training Instructor asked him to help process new inductees.
Andrew said he knew well what was going through the minds of those dazed kids as they tumbled off the bus fresh from San Antonio International Airport:
Exactly WHAT have I done?
On Friday the boy will graduate from the first part of his training to become a boom operator.
Exactly what is THAT all about? May be going through your mind.
Lying on their stomachs in the tail section of a forty-million-dollar Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker, boom operators peer through a small window while maneuvering a refueling boom into an awaiting aircraft thirsty for fuel.
All while thirty thousand feet in the air, flying at a speed of approximately five hundred thirty miles per hour.
And for that my son -- and the flight crews of which he will be a part -- needs your prayers and mine.
Next Andrew will enter the second stage of boom operator school at Altus Air Force Base in Altus, Oklahoma.
By the end of the year he will conclude his training at Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane, Washington.
Meanwhile his lovely girlfriend, Meghan, will be flying to San Antonio later in the week to attend the ceremony in which Andrew gets his wings.
This Bue-Star Mother (who loathes air travel and yes, that's what you call ironic, especially since I am the daughter of a USAF pilot) will be there too, but this time, only in spirit.
Stay tuned for pictures courtesy of Andrew and Meghan.
God bless the United States of America and her troops serving around the world to defend our liberties and keep us safe.
And may God bless the United States Air Force.
Happy Monday ~ Happy Week

Reader Comments (2)
You must be so proud, God Bless them.
Sorry, I glommed onto the "girlfriend" thing and got so excited I forgot what the rest of the post was about!