Dagny: So big to be so little

It's been awhile since I shared anything about Dagny.
In fact, the last time may have been in June, when she had her first birthday.
Dagny had some mighty fine times in the pool this summer. She loved it and was never afraid of the water, even for a moment.
A friend gave Audrey an elaborate crab-shaped contraption -- complete with stand-up eyes and pink beestung lips that actually resembled Dagny's own voluptuous sugarlips -- for Dagny's floating pleasure.
I wish you could have seen the wee thing paddling all around like a baby Esther Williams. It was epic.
Last week Audrey brought Dagny by to stay with me for a few hours. The baby was dressed so cute (as per usual) that I seized the opportunity to take her out onto the front porch and capture the moment.
The result was rather stunning, given the mellow light of the late-summer day, not to mention the beauty of my subject.
Dagny is fifteen months old but she's tiny. No fat rolls here. None of my babies were fat either, so we've concluded it's genetic.
But she is growing up. There is no avoiding it.
I think you will agree that the above photo was the money shot of the day. It may be the best photo of a human face I have ever been privileged to take.
I shot this mini-session using my Nikon D3100 paired with the Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm 1:1.8 G prime lens.
Yesterday I took more photos of our precious ever-changing baby. If you're so inclined, you may see them here.
And that is all for now.
Happy Wednesday

Reader Comments (7)
Well, I'm back after viewing the other photo shoot. I think I might be first here - I love being first. I wonder what exactly Dagny was thinking in that last photo? Perhaps, "When will she ever be done snapping away with that contraption she holds in front of her face?" They grow so quickly. Sam is 3 already. He wanted to talk to me on the phone a few nights ago when his big sister called me. However, when he realized it wasn't FaceTime, and I couldn't see what he was trying to show me, he wasn't interested in further conversation. Enjoy fall, Jenny.
@Barb ... Oh little Sam, what a cutie. Our baby Andrew, also three, is such a comical little guy (for one so serious). I hope you told him to describe the thing he wanted to show you, just to see what he would say. As for Dagny, that contraption has been in her face since she was less than a minute old so I think she takes it as normal. However with my new zoom lens, I can shoot her from 12 feet away and she's barely aware of me. Booyah. xoxo
I agree on that last shot - just gorgeous! Her eyes just pull you in.
Ruby is now 10 months, but I'm thinking they may be about the same size. At her last check up she was in the 99th percentile for height and the 98th for weight. Laura says she better slow down or she'll be out of her winter clothes before winter comes. :)
@Mari ... Dagny's eyes are really something. And by the way, she refuses to walk too! Unless she's pushing some contrivance in front of her that is, or walking round and round our swivel recliner, laughing maniacally! But on her own? Nah. Ruby sounds like a sturdy little dollbaby. I imagine as long as winter is there, a kid can easily grow out of the duds they start out with! xoxo
Hopped over to see the other shots...BEE-U-TI-FOL Girls!!!
Obviously this sweet girl is going to grow up into a real beauty because--she looks just like you!!!
Do you have pictures from when you were that age that you can compare?
@Judy ... What a sweet thing for you to say. I've got a few baby pics and I'm not sure if Dagny favors me at that age, but people often say the family resemblance is very strong. Like most babies, she can look a hundred different ways in the space of a day. We sure do study that little face though. xoxo