That would be a yes

On September sixteenth, Andrew proposed marriage to Miss Brittany Lauren James.
She said yes.
This past weekend a whole bunch of us went to Atlanta, to see the Braves play their penultimate home game of the season.
Brittany was sporting her beautiful sparkling engagement ring, and glowing as brides-to-be are prone to do.
Andrew looked proud of himself too. And happy.
They've chosen a date and place for their nuptials: March 10, 2018, in Asheville, North Carolina.
A sort of destination wedding is planned. It will be charming and romantic and we're all looking forward to it.
I wanted all of you to be among the first to know, haaahaha. I'll thank you not to snicker.
The reason I waited more than a week is, I wanted to get these officially-engaged photos of the ecstatic couple, to show you.
Even so, these are not the official engagement photos. We'll take those in a month or so, when there's some pretty leaf color.
In Atlanta we checked into our hotel, then made our way to the ball park. It was as hot as it should have been when we visited in July, at which time the temperatures were more fall-like.
But, once we got settled in our seats and I had an ice-cold Diet Coke in my hand and the sun went below the stadium roof, it was a beautiful night.
We took a Uber from the ball park back to our hotel. That was a first for me and so pleasant. Our driver's name was Achilles and he was from Cameroon.
Achilles confided in me (I rode in front) that on some days he likes being a Uber driver, and on other days not so much. What else is new, I wondered.
Before leaving Atlanta the next day, we all went to the iconic Silver Skillet for lunch. It looks the same as the day it opened in 1956, only it's more than sixty years older. The tables and booths are tiny, as though people were smaller back then.
The restaurant has been featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, and has had a part in countless movies, TV shows, and music videos.
A few of us had breakfast, which is served all day. The coffee was good. The ham was salty, the biscuits were fluffy, and the grits were hot. No surprises there.
Andrew and Brittany posed for me some more. They were glad to do it. Millennials are so comfortable in front of a camera. Maybe it's all those phone selfies, and social media.
Whatever the reason, you'll be seeing more of these twitterpated cuties, so stay tuned.
And that is all for now.
Happy Tuesday

Reader Comments (8)
Wonderful news, Jenny! Happy for them, and all of you.
So people were smaller back in the 50's? hahaha Love it.
People were thinner back in the 50's, for sure. They didn't need as much room in the booth between the table and their tummy.
I am soooooo happy for Andrew and Miss Brittney. She has had a difficult wait,and worry, with all of his deployments. God bless them.
Ahhhhhhhhh! But due to my being oh so smart, and following your IG, I knew it sooner! -gigggles- Yes, I do love a scoop! It's simply in my genes. ,-)))))
She is so gorgeous and tiny and perfect. And he is so handsome, and virile, and perfect. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Now I'm going to "go-all-goooooey-fied"!!! ,-)
It is all lovely! What more to be said.
Hugs to the Mama who is going to give her son away... Don't worry, as long as you love the girl, it is fine. I have done it, twice!!!!!!
Oh and look at them! Just think of what beautiful babies, they will make! I know, I know. Too soon for that kind of talk, I know. :-))) But..... "Facts-is-facts." Just look at how cute, they both are!
Lots of gentle hugs,
Luna Crone
@Sally ... smaller for sure, if those booths are any indication! I of course had no problem, haahaha xoxo
@Judy ... yes we are all glad that last deployment is over and now we have something wonderful to look forward to! xoxo
@Luna ... you are so right, the babies will be darling! And you did scoop the story and made me laugh! xoxo
Woohoo! Congratulations to the newly engaged couple. They are a good looking twosome and I know you'll have a great time taking more pics of them. March will be here before you know it!
Congratulations to Andrew and Brittany! Young love (sigh) - the photos are great Jenny. You'll have some fun planning to do for March. Surely some Mother of the Groom shopping will be necessary...
@Mari ... yes March is -- as I told Brittany -- coming at us like a freight train! But we'll have a good time getting ready for it. xoxo
@Barb ... thanks girl and yes -- MUCH shopping will be done! xoxo
Congratulations, this will be a fun time for you. Enjoy!