Morris the bird
Meet Morris.
So I'm walking along in a cemetery last week, carrying only my camera.
And this GINORMOUS bird swoops down and perches on a tombstone.
That picture up there does not do him justice.
For one thing, I did not have the right lens with me to get a good closeup.
I was not there to photograph things that swoop, perch, or fly.
I was a long way from him and that photo is cropped to within a few pixels of its life.
It was the best I could do. I'm not all that adept at photographing wild critters.
I prefer shooting domesticated animals, like Javier, or Rambo and Abbie.
But I digress.
Morris posed cooperatively for several minutes before flying into the high branches of a tree.
I got in my car and drove over there, cruised by, and snapped him through the moon roof.
He was the same color as the branches so some creative editing was in order.
TG studied my photos and fetched his beloved copy of North American Wildlife from the shelf.
After serious consideration of many bird pictures, he determined that Morris is an immature bird, either a hawk or a falcon.
More specific he could not be.
And that is all for now.
Happy Monday ~ Happy Week
Reader Comments (4)
Morris is lovely, you did a good job, in spite of your lens or lack of it . It looks so warm there. We have more snow today and it's freezing cold. I think this is mother nature's way of telling me to stay home and clean my house, even if it's just a little. Keep well, keep on taking pictures, I love to see them.
Haha, what a cutie! It looks like either a coopers or sharp-shinned hawk. It was probably looking for a little snack of field mice or small birds.
You got some great pictures in spite of not having the lens you wanted. It's a dignified bird!
Lovely avian photographs...what a gift The Lord brought to you that day! (...then, to us through you!) j