Colt and Cooper: chalk and cheese

OK so I've been down in Georgia for the last few days, hanging out with Erica while she dog-sits a lemon Beagle named Colt.
Lolling contentedly is pretty much his usual attitude. Low energy? That would be the charitable way of putting it.
At any given time Colt is either snoozing, begging treats, or begging being babied. Although, Debbie, I bet he'd like becoming acquainted with Penelope.
So far he can boast a one-hundred-percent success rate in the coddle-me stakes. Erica obliges him and I've done my share too.
All the attention seems to make him smile.
Of course that sly grin could be owing to the Heinz HomeStyle gravy his owners instructed Erica to drizzle over his food.
But it takes muscles to smile, and muscle movement is tiring.
Sometimes he lifts his head to see what's going on two feet away from his nose.
And sometimes it appears he's getting ready to offer canine commentary on the situation.
Meanwhile Cooper, the Doberman puppy who lives next door, frequently bounds across the yard and up onto the porch to pay a visit.
Calm is NOT his middle name ... although Calamity might well be a fitting alternative moniker.
Yes Cooper, we are home. What's shaking?
Cooper has a nickname: T. Rex. I wonder why.
But he is fiercely protective of Erica -- not to mention his owners, whose house is fifty yards away -- so I do not find him scary at all.
Once when a stranger pulled into he driveway to ask Erica a question, Cooper hurtled across the field and guarded my daughter's person with his body until the unknown quantity had departed the premises.
He is legend for having, not too long ago, pinned two seedy-looking youths to the big Oak tree in his own front yard, while the interlopers tried to explain to the lady of the house that they were just looking for "lawns to mow."
Said lady, my dear friend Anna, told them that not only did she not require lawn services, but that they'd be detained by the Doberman until she called him off.
They beat a hasty retreat and word on the street is, that night the master of the house -- my dear friend Alan -- rewarded Cooper with a whole box of animal crackers dumped right onto the kitchen floor.
Any questions?
Between semi-conscious Colt and loose-cannon Cooper, we got game y'all.
All dogs all the time. That's how we roll.
Happy Weekend!

Reader Comments (9)
Sounds like you girls are in Dog Heaven there in the Peach state. I believe that I may be related to Colt.....Lolling contentedly, Home Style gravy, begging for treats. Yep, sounds like me. As for Cooper, my get up and go got up and went a long time ago. But, I'm working on that!!!! Keep cool gir!............G.
I love dogs, in a theoretical kind of way, as you know. You even made me love the doberman a little. I've decided to adopt my son-in-law's creed: I'll own a dog when I can find one that doesn't poop! Until then, I'll adore my grand-dogs or the subjects of your stories.
My Dad's neighbor had a dog like Cooper. He protected the neighborhood.!
Glad you two are having a good time, and enjoying the dogs!
You got it right Jenny. Lemon Beagles are the best. Our Penelope goes from napping for hours to running like a banshee chasing squirrels etc. outside. She is a good guard dog, takes care of me when hubby is away. But I'm afraid she would not be much protection, ha. She only weighs 18 pounds. She looks like a Greyhound when she runs.
It looks like Colt has put on a few pounds, but he has that same sweet face.
Great pictures.
Calamity looks like a chocolate Lab more than a Doberman. How sweet and protective.
Oops, I called Cooper Calamity, my bad.
I'm sure you rest easy with such a guard for Erica. And what a challenge with your dog sitting. Restful I presume. Enjoy.
I'd love to give them both tummy rubs! So cute!!!
Dogs win ;-)
Lol! Sooo cute!! Love the captions.