The living end

My daughter Audrey sent me a link to this video.
She said Planned Parenthood was opposed to the ad. I wonder why.
Could it be the incredibly detailed view of a living baby in utero? The wedding rings worn by the couple? The use of the word "miracle"?
Any one of these or all of the above?
No matter. It's truth, and one of the most beautiful truths of all.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Happy Monday! Happy Week!

Reader Comments (6)
Beautiful, beautiful....planned parenthood by a loving, married couple who will cherish the child that was wanted. We know that is not always the case and pray for the babies that aren't wanted. I cry thinking of every one of those.............G.
I love this ad! It should be shown more often!
I love it. It is a miracle, and I was blessed with two of them, I don't wear my rings too much, I've just got my hands in so much crud, but I am married to the father of my children. Thank You to your lovely daughter and to you for sharing this with us.
Perfect song for a Perfect event!!
Planned Parenthood just has a patient die after an abortion . They waited FIVE HOURS before calling anyone. Bad PR I suppose.
Okay, I'm not crying, really I'm not. It's just a little tear drop in my eyeball is all.