My own eyes

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Strange but although my words were not his, this quote attributed to Albert Einstein expresses what I've been thinking about a lot lately.
I wonder if we fail to see with our own eyes and feel with our own hearts on purpose, because we are afraid that if we do, what we see and what we feel will cause us pain.
Or perhaps not so much pain, as confusion. Bringing about more questions than answers.
At any rate I was mulling this -- in my own way -- when I looked up and saw with my own eyes, what looked to me like a heart in the clouds.
And I ran for my camera, taking care not to fall down.
Because you know I love to find hearts in the clouds, and to share them with you.
Ideally, without injury to my person.
If you don't see the heart, that's okay. You can tell me. Or not.
Either way I hope your heart is high today, and your eyes wide open. God is good.
Happy Wednesday

Reader Comments (5)
God is indeed good, to us all, and he makes wonderful heart shaped clouds. Please don't fall.
I saw it, before I even read your post. Very cool!
You sound a little angsty. Or is that aaarghsty? I'm feeling a little the same way, all the while thinking of how blessed I really am. Life is such a puzzle, I doubt I will figure it out before I'm dead.
Which is the point of it all, I suppose. We push on, with only our imperfect faith to hold us up.
And when did you start moderating? Have there been some nasty trolls?
I see it! You just DID make it with the camera!!Hahaaa
And yes...mind Wide open!
You and your camera see pretty good, I'd say ;-)