It was pointedly patriotic and purposely poignant

Wherever they go, whatever they do, they're gonna go through it together
So, wow.
After three (make that four if you count preparation day) days of one get-together and party after another, I needed three (make that four, if you count last Thursday, which I sort of did because I didn't even accomplish the completion of this blog post), days to recover.
It resembled jet lag. Or at least, what I have heard and what I understand jet lag to be like.
I'd swung by Home Goods for some new patriotic decor
As in, you need a recovery day for every two time zones you cross during your flight of travel.
I think I crossed nine time zones over the Memorial Day weekend.
Then it was Friday and I reasoned that no one wants a long post stuffed with pictures, on a Friday.
Home of the free because of the brave
Am I right?
So I procrastinated still more. I wasn't motivated to do it anyway. I think it was too much activity combined with too many emotions.
I refer to our family's long Memorial Day weekend, which coincided with a visit from Andrew and Brittany, who are even now wending their way westward to Enid, Oklahoma and Vance Air Force Base, where they will live for the next year while Andrew completes phase two of pilot training.
Red, white, and blue for our heroes ... happy birthday for our Erica
It was also our Erica's birthday. Her last birthday before meeting her little baby and forever having her heart walking around outside her body in the form of her child.
Everyone was here to celebrate and to remember and to say, so long for now.
Andrew and Brittany and Ember were the first to arrive, on Saturday afternoon.
It was the Boo's birthday weekend too
I had spent Friday making homemade meatballs and semi-homemade spaghetti sauce, and doing various other things in the house to prepare for company.
Our Stephanie and her family traditionally get in late on Memorial Day Eve, and spend one night with us.
This year they would be getting in late on Sunday night as usual, but Stephanie and the girls would spend two nights with us.
Nor shall their story be forgot
Joel and little Andrew left just before noon on Monday to meet a fellow pastor and his two sons in the Upstate, and drive together to the Memorial Day Braves game in Atlanta.
As a consequence of our guest room being occupied for most of the weekend, Andrew and Brittany and Ember were billeted at Cherica's house, where they are always made welcome and comfortable.
Therefore we planned our Saturday evening kickoff get-together with them, at Cherica's.
Son-in-law Joel and his mini-me, Little Andrew, left just before noon on Monday, bound for Atlanta
Chad has built a commodious and inviting new deck on the back of his and Erica's house, and we were keen to sit on it for several hours after supper, visiting.
So it was that early on Saturday afternoon, Audrey, Dagny, Erica and I met at a nail salon on Erica's side of town, to get pedicures. It was the birthday girl's idea.
Dagny got both a pedicure and a manicure.
We lounged on Cherica's new deck for hours
That bit of self-care accomplished, we repaired to Erica's house to await the arrival of TG and Andrew and Brittany and Ember.
(They had swung by our house on the way and picked up Papaw, so we wouldn't have too many cars out at Erica's.)
At about six, we sat down to salad, spaghetti with homemade meatballs, and spicy toast.
She looks low-key sad but trust me, she was having a great time
It was better than it had a right to be. I wish you could have tasted it. I also wish I'd taken a few pictures of it, but I guess i was too hungry.
Then, as anticipated, we got situated in comfortable chairs on the deck, to while away the almost-summer evening just chatting and watching the doggos and the baby play.
(I had brought Rizzo with me. At Cherica's there is Jonah, Chad's beloved lab mix, and little Sibi.)
Chad cradles Sibi, who wants to be everywhere at once
Andrew and Brittany left at about nine for an impromptu date and a small respite from baby duty. Aunt Audrey was all too happy to take charge of Ember's bath and putting her to bed.
Still later, Chad built a fire and we roasted marshmallows.
We were home by ten thirty.
I have a new tiny letterboard
On Sunday morning we all convened at church. Afterwards everyone went home to change into comfy clothes, after which we met at Cracker Barrel for Sunday lunch.
We all trooped back to our house after the meal. Baby Ember went down for a nap while everyone else lolled by the pool. It was a pleasant day, not hot at all. In fact, the pool is still cool in temperature.
I don't swim until the water temperature is eighty degrees but others who don't mind it being a trifle chilly, sat on the edge with their feet in. A few got all the way in.
The donut floatie saw some action
It wasn't long before I had to go inside and start preparing dishes for the next day.
I made pretzel salad, seven layer salad, and baked beans.
At some point Andrew ordered pizza and requested that I make a big batch of popcorn.
Ember, wearing water wings and purple ruffles, marched around the pool ... I was right beside her
Late that evening, after everyone had gone home, Stephanie and Joel and Melanie and Allissa and little Andrew arrived.
I think we were in bed by twelve thirty. I certainly hope we were.
On Monday morning, after coffee and breakfast with Stephanie and the children, I got ready and started putting the finishing touches on everything we needed for our big afternoon meal.
We keep the home fires burning
The kids bought TG an impressive gas grill for his Father's Day gift, and it was already in place so that we could use it for the hamburgers and hot dogs.
(He had been cooking on a Weber kettle charcoal grill they'd given him years ago, but he needed an upgrade. It's ironic that they couldn't afford a Weber gas grill but he's happy with his Char-Broil.)
Mid morning, Henry arrived from Greenville. It's still strange to greet him at his car door and for him to be alone, without Mom in the passenger seat.
We heart our beautiful country and her heroes
It was just about a year ago -- Dagny's sixth birthday -- when she came to my house for the last time.
(If I'd known that she'd never be with us here again, I would have taken a picture of her. But I was distracted. There is a brief video of Dagny being surprised with her Barbie Dream House, and Mom can be seen momentarily, and heard laughing and talking.)
Get the pictures. Get the pictures. Get the pictures.
They're all there except me ... I was behind the camera
So, guess what? In addition to lots of food for our Memorial Day feast, I had cooked up a plan to get a picture of everyone before Joel and little Andrew left for Atlanta.
I'd mounted my big Nikon onto my tripod and located my remote control for same, even feeding it a fresh new coin battery.
I'd set up the shot with Allissa's help, and I was ready to go.
Ultimately I failed but you can piece it together
I even had flags for everyone to wave.
One, it was easier said than done to get everyone arranged on the steps so that no one's face was hidden -- even with the little kids on the top step nearest me and the tall men way down on the sidewalk beyond the bottom step.
But we kept working at it and I, sensing that everyone was becoming impatient with me (I tend to overthink everything and it gets worse by the moment), stopped giving orders and went down a step or two, and started shooting.
Ember was antsy so Andrew suggested that I keep my thumb on the remote's button, and she was momentarily distracted by the assist light that flashed on the front of the camera many times in succession.
Then I said okay that's good, y'all can go, there's bound to be a good one in there, and everyone relaxed and wandered out into the yard.
Where are we and what are we doing
I took my camera from the tripod and stashed the tripod back inside, and took a peek at the pictures on the viewfinder.
And I realized that in every single picture with me in it, my head was cut off right around my nose.
I was too tall for where I was standing, I guess. I should have thought that through a little better.
So I went back out and TG could see by my face that I was unhappy and I told them what had happened, but by then Joel was anxious to get on the road so as not to miss anything when they got to the ball park.
After they'd left, I sent Dagny into the house for my phone and went back up onto the steps and took a few selfies with random family members who were still hanging around behind me.
Oh well. I have a perfectly good apple-green bench sitting beneath the white oak, and even a cute background on the brick wall there, what with my big black metal filigree circles, that are by the way freshly repainted.
I could have posed everyone here and it would have been much easier ... but no
But it somehow did not occur to me to pose everyone there so that within seconds, we could have had a number of good picures that I could have been in, not missing half my head.
I'm scatterbrained; that is the bare truth of the matter.
I don't suppose life as we know it will come to an end due to all of that, so I guess we'll move on.
At any rate, it's in the books
At that juncture we moved the party to the back of the house again.
I made more popcorn as it was still a few hours until our festive meal. A bunch of people got into the pool.
I'd had the idea, the week before, to make lemonade ice cubes by filling ice trays with Minute Maid lemonade from two-liter bottles.
They have a bright future
I put those into the beverage dispenser I'd bought for Erica's shower (we fixed it so that it does not leak any more; the spigot part just had to be tightened).
Over the top of the lemonade ice cubes I poured Arizona original sweet tea. I called it sweet tea punch and it was a big hit.
Sort of like a slowly developing Arnold Palmer in your glass.
That sounds as good as you look
Eventually TG threw the burgers and dogs onto his new grill and I got everything set up inside, for the meal.
Before praying and eating, we all gathered in the TV room and watched this video.
I don't know about anyone else, but I cried. Then TG said grace and thanks over our splendid repast, and we ate.
Give us a kiss
Lunch was delicious.
Everyone was too full for birthday cake so the party went outdoors once more.
Henry left for home at about four o'clock, unwilling to wait for the cake. He likes to be in the house for the evening no later than six. Mom was the same way.
Dagny and Allissa posed with Great-Grandpa just before he left
Eventually we did convene at the table again. I made a big pot of coffee. Chad had picked out Erica's birthday cake and it was pretty spectacular.
There was raspberry filling between the layers. Her favorite.
Chad had bought his wife a truly lovely emerald and diamond right-hand ring for her birthday. Emerald is her birthstone and she'd wanted one for longer than she could remember.
I think he thinks I'm being nosy but I do not care
She got several other nice presents too. The cake tasted like angels singing.
I don't remember what time it was when everyone was finally out the door. I know that I managed not to cry when Andrew, Brittany, and baby Ember drove away.
I do recall sitting in my recliner very late that night, talking to Stephanie, and being afraid I would fall asleep right where I sat, quite possibly mid-sentence.
It was buttercream icing with raspberry filling ... her favorite
Allissa had gone home with Audrey and Dagny for the night, so the next morning, they all arrived at around nine.
Stephanie and the girls set out for home at about nine thirty.
Audrey, Dagny, and I took a walk, after which they left to do all they had to do that day.
Dagny with half-eaten cookies for eyes
I had no agenda except to rest. Which is good because resting was all I had the energy for.
Meanwhile TG, Allissa, little Andrew, and Dagny have had another grand adventure since Memorial Day.
I will tell you about that in due time. But first, the next party is taking place this coming Saturday.
Cruising to the next party in a red '57 Chevy
It is to celebrate Dagny's seventh birthday.
Her actual birthday is on Monday -- Flag Day -- hence the theme for her party (chosen by her): Red, White, and Blue.
Well, that's easy.
Hoist the colors!
The pirate promises to report!
Meanwhile, I hope you will have a pleasant end to your week, and a peaceful weekend.
And that is all for now.
Happy Thursday

Reader Comments (18)
I cried too. What a touching video, made all the more so by the current state of our country, and the sorrow over not having a president who honored and respected our military men.
Speaking of which - I love the photos of Andrew and Brittany. And I have seen that same look from my Andrew when pointing a camera at him. :) Praying for safe travels for them, and that all goes well during this next phase of training. Praying for the pirate too - who I know is going to be missing them.
Erica looks so cute! Won't be long now!
I'm glad Henry could come. Sorry about the photos... I've had similar issues and those kids are only patient for just so long. They don't understand our need for photos - but someday they will appreciate them.
PS - you are a wonder at decorating for every season. Looks great!
PS - I was going to mention Ember's eyes. They are beautiful!
@Mari ... Yes Ember's eyes are truly beautiful and she is so precious. Thank you for your kind words and I know you understand how important it is to get the picture! I have lain awake at night after a family gathering, unable to sleep because of being so upset that I did not get the picture. And what I'd give for a few shots of my mom a year ago, the last time she was in my house. Well she is in a mansion now, and we'll be together again soon. Speaking of houses, Andrew and Brittany reached Enid just about an hour ago. Brittany is so good about sending me pictures and videos that I think I'll be okay. It's 1200 miles out there and as you know, the Pirate does not fly. I don't mind driving out and you never know! Maybe we will! Yes our "president's" omission of any mention of the heroes of D Day on Sunday was, for me, the final nail in his coffin. He's dead to me. That was unforgivable. xoxo
You sure have great party ideas, and know how to throw great parties! I bet you were just exhausted! But isn't it great to be exhausted from such family fun...wonderful photos!!
Oh my gosh, I just got tired reading about it all but you were living it all with all the work you did to pull off an amazing weekend with family with delicious food and so many wonderful memories (that will live on forever). I love how you all watched that video; it made me tear up. Ships returning from being out to sea for months, coming back to port, always made me cry when we lived in the San Diego area. So thankful people are willing to give their lives for our freedoms! You are brave to venture into the pool at 80 degrees. I won't consider it at our pool until about 88 degrees (currently 85 degrees but 113 degrees is due in the new week so it won't be long).
You truly are blessed (but I think you know it and I think you are grateful that you are blessed :)
What a blessing to spend the holiday weekend with all of your family. I’m new, so trying to catch up with the who’s who, but what a beautiful extended bunch. I’d be exhausted after all of that activity, but what fun! I love Home Goods and buy all my decor there. That donut floatie is calling my name! The raspberry filling in that yummy cake was just the right touch for a sweet birthday. Thanks for sharing a piece of your world with us.
@Ginny ... Girl I could barely wiggle after all of that was done but you are right! It's a good feeling to be worn out from such good times. xoxo
@betty ... You have to have the pool at 88 to swim? Now, that is a wonderful swimming temperature; don't get me wrong! I love it to feel like a hot bath. Ours this morning was only 70 ... but Erica says she's coming over to walk around in the shallow end! I won't get in at 70. No way. It just hasn't been hot enough and we've had so much rain every day that that cools it down too. Yes the video was touching ... I like for us to stop and pause and watch something meaningful before we dig into all the food and go back to enjoying our freedoms bought at such a dear price! I love it that you cried when the ships came and went in San Diego. Yes we are blessed beyond anything we could possibly deserve. God is good. Love to Winslow. xoxo
@Bijoux ... I know it can seem like a cast of thousands! It's Greg (I call him TG on the blog; just a bit of silliness really) and me, married 42 years ... our children are Stephanie (husband Joel, children Melanie 16, Allissa 13, and Andrew 9), Audrey (daughter Dagny turning 7 on Monday), Erica (husband Chad -- I call them Cherica, haha -- baby due late July), and son Andrew (wife Brittany, daughter Ember, 18 months). Henry and my mother were married for over 37 years. Mom passed away last October. Now you're up to speed! Isn't Home Goods just the absolute most? I can't get over it. I love to go in there but there's no way I can go without buying something, so I only go when I "need" something, haaaahahahaha xoxo
I'm exhausted, that's all there is to it! Simply exhausted! Just reading about all you do!
How could _you_ not be exhausted, after arranging that amazing weekend.
The photos, amazing... Yes even the one with you. I did not notice the top of your head, until you mentioned it! See? Not everyone is a perfectionist, like you, my Dear. -smile- (But I do understand your wish, for everything to be purrrrrrrrrfect. I do.)
It must have been quite hard, to see your son and his family drive away, knowing it will a rather long time, till they visit again. But you have the new baby, to fill a lot of this coming time!!!!!!!! And not too long now, for which your Little Mother is very happy, I'm sure.
Oh an emerald ring! I wanted one too, and my husband got one for me, too. -smile-
Again, the photos. What can I say... You are an artist, with your camera.
And so nice, to have your Dear Mother's husband come for the Holiday. Very thoughtful of you.
What am I leaving out? Many things, I'm sure. But I will be forgiven. -smile-
And another party this coming weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gentle hugs,
"Beside a babbling brook" blog
Your head is not cut offfffff!!!!!!!!!!
Did I read it wrong?????
Your head is all there!!!!!!
Thank you for the downlow on your family! I will be married 35 years this August. My oldest daughter is married and has a son age 3.5 and a daughter age 22 months, with another due in August. My middle child has autism and lives with us, and my son and his wife have been married 18 months. We are also Christians. I grew up in a fundamental independent church, but we now attend a Bible believing Missouri synod Lutheran church.
So nice to be here and get to know you!
I loved the "I think he thinks I am nosy, but I do not care." I loved those photos, you captured them so well, great work.
I cried too!!
I continue to pray for our nation.
I do enjoy your posts. Thank you for sharing your family.
@Mari-Nanci ... hahahaha I did not show any of the ones with my head cut off. I deleted those because they are worthless! The one I showed, I went back and got with my phone, but not everyone is posing behind me. It was just a complete flop but that's okay because I did get pictures of everyone ... just not all together! And we love Henry because he's the only grandpa my children have ever known on my side. My father died at age 37. But they had a wonderful paternal grandfather. xoxo
@Bijoux ... Thanks for telling me all of that! Our Melanie (eldest granddaughter) is disabled. She was not breathing when she was born and suffered mild brain damage. She will always live with her parents. She's our precious angel. That is interesting about your church background! My TG often says there are some great conservative Missouri Synod churches. xoxo
@Carla ... Haahaaha yep I bet you can relate. The video is so moving. I cry every time. xoxo
Thanks for the update on Andrew and Brittany. Thankful they are safely there, and also that Brittany is good about photos. That will help!
Your parties are always epic! I love reading about them and your beautiful family! I too have laid awake at night wishing I would have taken a particular picture or taken one differently! Most recently was on our anniversary when I posted a picture I took of two beer bottles sitting on the table! What I should have done was taken a picture of our hands toasting with said beer bottles. My nails were painted pretty and I was wearing my tennis bracelet! Would have looked great!! But alas, too late now! your grandchildren are super adorable!
Your parties always leave me in awe. I love all the creative photos and captions. It was fun seeing the whole family together again. I know some of those family "looks" when we're pointing the camera at them too much (hello Andrew....). It sounds as though Erica had a wonderful birthday! (That cake looks and sounds yummy!) My birthstone is also emerald and for an long ago anniversary, Bob bought me emerald earrings and an emerald/diamond pendant necklace. I know you're sad that Andrew and family are so far away, but his accomplishments make us all proud. Take Care, Jenny - I sure hope this comment goes through!
@Mari ... Yes they are there but your prayers are still needed because there has been a disheartening development when it comes to their housing ... I'm sure they will be fine but it's slim pickings right now and they're in temporary apartment-like lodging with a truck full of their belongings and no place to put them. It could be many many weeks before they get into a house on base which they were given to understand, would be available within just days. Discouraging but they will be all right. Ember doesn't care ... there's a little splash park on base so no worries, hahahaha! Let the good times roll ... xoxo
@Jeanette ... Awww thank you for your kind words. My parties feel more like a freight train rushing at me but what are you gonna do? The people come and they must be fed, hahaha! I always tell myself when it comes to getting those perfect shots, photography is really more organic than that. Or at least it should be. It's really nice when you think of the cute poses bursting with both emotion and information, but sometimes you're just too busy and/or distracted to think of it! Short of writing down shots I want to get (I try to avoid being that rigid), you have to trust your instincts and keep your phone nearby. I used to use my Nikons exclusively but now with the superior camera on the phone, I hardly ever use the cameras for indoor shooting anymore. I prefer to use them in natural light. But the phones are ideal for candids as things develop (see what I did there, haaaha) ... I did pretty well today with Dagny's birthday party and I'll show y'all those next week. xoxo
@Barb ... You're coming through loud and clear! I guess I don't mind being a pest with the camera because I know how much they enjoy the photos. I am going to be doing a new version of the picture dining table this fall, so I'm trying to get as many photos as I can so I'll have hundreds to choose from. It's been four years since I changed the table, and there have been two weddings and two babies! So yeah, I ignore Andrew's "looks", haahaha! I think Brittany takes even more pictures than me, anyway! And I am so grateful for hers because I miss them so much. I think emeralds are so mysterious and truly suit women whose birthstone they are. Erica is so thrilled with her ring. And she will be thrilled too when she's no longer pregnant! Time is short and her ankles are swollen. xoxo
I love that video. It is definitely memorable. Your party sounds wonderful as usual. My son was a little under the weather so our day was quiet. He did go to our country cemetery and take a few wreaths.
@Gayla ... I'm sorry he wasn't feeling well and hope everything is fine now. I'm glad you made the very meaningful gesture of visiting some graves and laying wreaths. It always, always matters. xoxo