Surprise! Surprise!
"The best kind of prize is a surprise." ~Willy Wonka
I love, love, love, love surprises!
The good kind, that is.
And boy, did I get a super-duper one today.
I was awakened shortly before six o'clock this morning by a clap of thunder/lightning and the resultant "angels' bowling alley" dark rumbling that seemed to go on forever. I slept only fitfully after that, as the rain was being flung against the windows and the wind was howling. I have to get up around seven thirty to make coffee and start getting ready for church anyway, so I didn't want to get too comfortable. I avoided snuggling close to TG, as this would have gotten me all warm and comfy and I would surely have overslept.
One dozen lush, half-opened, creamy white roses surrounded by a cloud of baby's breath.
SUDDENLY! My alarm clock sounded ... I thought ... and I began pounding on the little button that makes it stop, only it wouldn't stop! At the same time I realized it had gone eight o'clock and I needed to get moving. Silence, at last ... then it dawned on me (sorry): what woke me was not my alarm clock going off ... it hadn't even been set! It was my cell phone, which was lying on my bedside table. My standard state of mental confusion exacerbated by too little sleep had made me even muzzier than usual. I grabbed my phone, flipped it open, and sure enough I had missed a call from Erica. I pressed the button to call her back.
"Hey Mom!" her cheery voice came through loud and clear all the way from East Tennessee. "Happy Mother's Day!" We chatted awhile, rang off, and I got up to get that coffee going and take a shower. About a half hour later I was sitting at the dining room table applying cosmetics to my face. The only sound was a news channel on the TV in the kitchen, and the rain splattering on the windows.
SUDDENLY! I heard what could only be our garage door going up. Wha ....? TG and Andrew had not yet emerged from their bedrooms, and no one was expected. I was, frankly, a little bit scared. Who had just opened our garage? I walked with trepidation toward the door in the kitchen that leads to the garage. A ginormous smile greeted me ... TWO ginormous smiles ... Erica and Daniel! Erica was grinning behind a vaseful of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen ... one dozen lush, half-opened, creamy white roses surrounded by a cloud of baby's breath. And my baby girl ... she and Daniel set out from Knoxville before five a.m. and drove all the way in heavy rain. When she called me she had been only 45 minutes from home! What a wonderful Mother's Day gift.
We enjoyed attending church together, then had lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. My two older daughters called to talk awhile and wish me a good day, and I talked to my own mother. It's all been so exciting.
Gifts! The girls gave me music, bath products, and the aforementioned roses. Andrew bought me a massive indoor/outdoor clock to hang on the outside of the house, by the pool. This is something I've been wanting and I spied this one at Sam's Club earlier in the week. It's atomic and sets itself by some big mother-of-all clocks in Fort Collins, Colorado! All I had to do was mention wanting this clock and my son made it happen. That's the kind of kids I have, and I do not deserve them.
I was reflecting not long ago on a fact that always amazes me when I think about it: For all I have tried to teach my children, I have learned as much from them as they have learned from me. Sometimes I think they have taught me lots more than I ever taught them. They are wonderful people and I love them dearly.
Happy Mother's Day, everyone! If you haven't already, and if you're able ... call your mother.
Reader Comments (7)
What a wonderful surprise and Mother's Day :-) Made me smile reading your post. Both my kids live out of state (far away) boo hoo, but they didn't forget me. I am heading down to NC in a couple of weeks to babysit!! And I can't wait :-)
Happy Mother's Day Jenny.
I'm sure your children missed you so much today too! Have a great time in North Carolina! I love babysitting my grandchildren! Nothing is more wonderful.
I hope you had a glorious Mother's Day, Elaine!
Hello Mother! Glad to hear that you had a good day. Sorry I couldn't be there but I'm glad you got a good surprise. Hope you enjoy the gift, I had fun picking it out.
Love you!
'lo Audge! We just watched Sweeney Todd with Erica and Daniel ... Andrew hadn't seen it! I think he really liked it. Johnny rocked as always.
Thanks again for all the bath goodies! Love you too.
Great post, Jenny! Great blog, too. I'll be back for more, you can count on it! I'll subscribe, too! I want to see what the gift is! Ha ha!
Thanks Darla! I like your blog very much as well. I appreciate your subscription and as soon as you email me your address I'll send your giftie out!
How wonderful! You (and I) had a great day! Not to rain on anyone's parade, or bring anyone down, but if you can contact your mother, please do. In 1986, the weekend before Mother's Day, and me 6 1/2 months pregnant with my second child, my mother died. I believe I remember going to the phone that Mother's Day, a week after her funeral, and dialing her number 120 miles away in my home town. I knew there'd be no answer...but I just had to do it. As King David said after the death of his infant son, "He can not come to me, but I can go to him," and one day I will go to my mother. It will be a sweet reunion.