Enchanted again ... still

Photo of Josh Groban courtesy APOK I love it when this happens.
Let me give you the backstory.
At our house we like a lot of things and a lot of people but we're huge fans of three performing artists in particular: Johnny Depp (well, that's mainly me, with Audrey on my heels, but everyone else is on board too, especially when he plays his seminal role of Captain Jack Sparrow), Il Divo, and Josh Groban.
I've written on these topics at various and sundry times so if you've been paying attention, you already knew all this. But if you're new here, this will be useful information I suppose.
So, Josh Groban's latest album, Illuminations, came out on Tuesday. For many weeks we'd been ticking off the days in anticipation.
Coincidentally, on Wednesday Erica would be headed home for a visit.
She went out on Monday evening to find the album in advance of Tuesday's announced release date, and to be sure, a few stores had it ... but the price was jacked up a trifle.
She called me, ostensibly to present her dilemma and seek a solution, but I think she just wanted to talk about Josh and his new album.
"Wait until Tuesday and get it as cheaply as you can," I counseled. "Then save it for your drive home Wednesday night. It'll make the trip less boring."
My children so enjoy having a mother who is both whip-smart and penny-wise, that the Boo literally gasped.
"That's a fantastic idea!" she enthused.
Of course what I didn't mention was that I preferred she buy the album so that I don't have to, just in case it's a flop.
(Yeah, right. Kid's not thirty yet and artistically he can do no wrong. They could record him sighing and the resulting product would vault from store shelves like fleas onto a shaggy dog.)
More to the point, I can sneak Erica's CD from her when she's not looking and copy it onto my computer, saving myself any expense whatsoever.
Ninety percent of the time I'm sitting in front of my computer anyway.
There! I think that solves it.
(I felt -- and still feel -- no guilt. Hear that, ASCAP? And I do believe Mr. Groban's pockets are already handsomely lined with cash, and after all I am a pirate.)
Just to clarify, Erica should be considered the chief Josh Groban fan in our house, although I would venture to say that I and Audrey run a close second. Neck and neck, as it were. TG and Andrew bring up the somewhat less enthusiastic but still respectable rear.
Stephanie's too busy potty-training a two-year-old to care. I do believe Josh Groban could show up on her doorstep with a gold-plated version of Illuminations, signed and dated by himself, and she'd ask him for potty-training tips.
(I hope Allissa would pull up her slightly dampish big-girl panties before charging to the door and asking "What's dat boy doin'?")
Back to the story.
Erica called again on Tuesday night.
"Mom! Guess what!" she crowed.
"What," I said. I was mad about something or other.
"TheyhadtheCDatTargetfornineninety-nineforjusttheCD --" she burbled.
"Good grief, what?" I said.
"-- butIgottheonewithabonusDVDaboutthemakingofIlluminations --"
I switched my phone to the other ear.
"-- anditwasonlythirteendollars!" she concluded exultantly.
"WHAT? REALLY?" I whooped. I might've done a Snoopy dance without getting out of my chair.
(We love Josh's "making of" DVDs.)
Erica called me again on Wednesday while en route from McDonough to Columbia. She sounded morose.
"What is it?" I demanded. Nothing bad, I hoped.
"It's nothing bad," she semi-soothed in the same bottom-lip-dragging-the-pavement tone. "It's just that my Josh CD is skipping all over the place and I know it's not my CD player's fault."
Really? I thought. Just how does she know that? Her brand-new Susan Boyle CD did the same thing, as I recall. While I'm not the Sherlock Holmes of automotive electronics, I do believe I see a pattern developing.
I commiserated as best I could (I have problems of my own!) and told her to just get home safely and we have a Target right around the corner and she could read them the enraged Grobanite version of the riot act on Thursday.
She got home late that night and the first thing she said, walking up the driveway as I stood there shivering, was that her CD had "warmed up" and began playing fine.
"I knew it would," she declared airily.
Oh, okay. I never would've guessed. When you called to tell me of the snafu you sounded a tad depressed, but what do I know after all? I thought.
By then we were in the house. Barely. Erica brandished her new Josh Groban CD in my face but did not offer to let me touch it.
"Okay," she began. "My favorite song by far is Galileo."
"What?" I might've whined. I'd noticed the song's title on Josh's website but to be honest it didn't sound like a track that would interest me.
(I judge all books by their covers, just because the conventional wisdom is that you're not supposed to. Pirate!)
"Yes! Oh my goodness Mom, you won't believe, it is so amazing," the primary Grobanite effervesced.
"Well, I can't talk about this or listen to it now because I have to go to bed because I have to drive all the way to Greenwood tomorrow for a ten o'clock start and that means I have to get up early," I grumped.
Next morning as I was leaving, barely eight o'clock, I saw the CD winking in bright sunlight on the kitchen counter.
I wanted to listen to it on my way to Greenwood. Just to make sure it wasn't a bad CD or a flop or anything.
Dared I pilfer it?
Abscond with it and leave a note saying "HAHA I took it"?
Ahhh... no. Do unto others.
I hollered up the steps to Erica's room.
"Hey Boo?"
"What." (sleepily).
"Can I take the CD and listen to it on my trip pleeaase?" I wheedled.
Long pause.
"You're a diamond, mate!" I skedaddled out the door before she could change her mind.
After all that parental psychology I was in the car before I realized I'd left the CD glinting in the sunlight on the kitchen counter.
I got out -- harrumphing, possibly -- and retrieved said allegedly skip-prone disc.
I'd gone about five miles on I-26 West (without the CD skipping a single time) when Galileo -- track three -- began to play.
How did I know it was that track? Elementary, my dear Watson! "Galileo" is the first word.
And by the time I'd gone ten miles on I-26 West, I was sniffing back tears so as not to smudge me pirate eyeliner.
Turns out Galileo is not a new song. It's been around for awhile, written by Declan O'Rourke, much recorded.
But I'd never heard it before, and that's what counts. Now it's my favorite song of all time.
Like I said at the beginning ... I love it when that happens.
I hope the powers that be don't yank the track from YouTube before you get to hear it here on IHATH. Especially after this big buildup.
If they do, go out today and buy yourself a copy of Illuminations. They have it at Target.
You won't regret it ... even if Galileo is the only song you like.
But it won't be.
Dedicated to my darling TG
Galileo fell in love as a Galilean boy
And he wondered, what in heaven --
Who invented such a joy
But the question got the better of his scientific mind
And to his blind and dying days
He looked up high and often sighed,
And sometimes cried
Who puts the rainbow in the sky?
Who lights the stars at night?
Who dreamt up someone so divine,
Someone like you, and made them mine?
Love can make you ask some funny questions now and then
But just remember the alternatives
For I remember when I was lonely and unhappy
And my lips were cold as ice
But you kissed me and good heavens -- now I’m here in paradise!
So if ever I'm not kissing you or looking in your eyes
I won’t be blind and I won’t cry
I’ll look up high and gladly sigh, and thank the guy
Who puts the rainbow in the sky
Who lights the stars at night
Who dreamt up someone so divine
Someone like you, and made them mine
Someone like you, and made them mine.
Pure perfection. Thanks for that, Josh.

Reader Comments (7)
Beautiful Voice!! Loved the song!
And I Really hope Erica's NOT reading this!!!Hahahaaaaa...Happy weekend Miss Jenny!
Beautiful! His voice is incomparable!
I'll have to rush over to itunes and download it. I love his voice and songs.
Gorgeous! I have a couple of his albums and will have to now add another. Thanks!
awww..no one luvs music more than I..thanks Jen...wooooooooo did someone say Johhny Depp!..ahhhhhhhhhh!:)
thanks for stopping by my faithful "warming up coach". I think I've truly failed in that department with my two remaining boys. My eldest is a gourmet cook, the other two can't microwave. Anyway, I've got a couple of Josh's CDs but with not driving, listening to them on public transit just can't be... So if I listen at home, all my ironing gets dampend naturally... you know what I mean. Have a good weekend, I'll be posting my painting adventures from my workshop soon. Who knew forget-me-nots were so hard to paint.
He's pretty cute, and that's one of my criteria. lol....