Cover girl

They say there's a first time for everything.
I don't know who they are and I don't know about everything, but I know this:
For the first time, a photograph of mine comprises the entire cover of a high-quality glossy magazine. Inside is an article I wrote about Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, Georgia, and even more of my pictures!
Now, don't drop everything and run out to your local bookstore to buy a copy.
I daresay you won't find it on the shelves at Barnes & Noble or anywhere else.
That's because it's the November issue of American Cemetery, a to-the-trade magazine that is subscribed to, I would think, primarily by funeral homes and cemetery companies.
I sure don't get a copy in my mailbox! Although perhaps I should.
The pensive tombstress whose photo I shot last May while at Bonaventure adorns the grave of one Thomas N. Theus, a Confederate soldier who died in 1903, and his wife, Eliza Wilhelmina, who died in 1895.
The funny thing -- Donna M., you're going to like this -- is that I remember distinctly the minutes I was poised before the impressive tomb framed with Spanish moss (the monument, not me), trying several angles in search of the elusive "money shot."
Which I'm smart enough to know that if I got, it would be due to sheer dumb luck.
I recall being a little bit embarrassed because as I aimed my modest point-and-shoot Nikon Coolpix L20 for about the fourth time, a lady stood beside me doing the same thing.
Except, she was using the kind of camera I only dream about.
But it's my picture that's on the cover of American Cemetery, because I'm the one who wrote an article about Bonaventure and sent it, along with my pictures, to the editor of said publication.
There's a lesson in there and it's not lost on me.
Just send it out there. Do it and send it out. Be like me: use the shotgun approach. Don't think! Much. No matter what your dream!
Pepper the landscape with your sincere efforts, amateurish though they be.
And as to equipment? Do what my mother has always counseled me to do: Use what you have.
You never know what you might accomplish. And you never know the window that may open as a result ... or what door, for you to walk through.
If you haven't already and you'd like to read the article I sent to American Cemetery, and see more pictures of breathtaking Bonaventure Cemetery, go here.

Reader Comments (10)
You may not have a fancy camera, but you have talent! I'm so happy for you! I remember the article too. Good job!
That is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
But seriously, I'm so happy that you are a cover girl. Passion pays off. My Dad always said that a bad workman blames his tools. Conversely, a mediocre tool in the hands of talent will perform like a much better machine.
Well good for you. That's great news and a great picture. You are right, you will never get published if you don't send in your work to somebody. All they can do is reject it or accept it, then you can try again. I didn't even know there was a publication called American Cemetery.
@Mari ... well thank you, my dear. You are an accomplished photographer yourself and I appreciate that.
@Sue ... I will thank you not to snicker! LOLOL I like your dad's way of thinking. I still want to go back and "shoot up" Bonaventure with a Nikon D9000!
@Debbie ... thanks luv. And I didn't know about the magazine either until I looked it up! I figured there had to be such a publication. And now they want to see more of my work!
I am sooooo proud of you!!! Haha, those "money shots" are so elusive, but you know when you get them! And this just goes to show that it is NOT about equipment. Your coolpix delivered the goods because you thought about what you were shooting! All those camera gadget folks don't understand that its not the $$$s spent on the equipment that determines the quality of the images. So many folks have asked Jim over the years for an evaluation of what they are doing wrong in creating their photos, and he'll tell them that there is a nut loose on the other side of the viewfinder!
Funny, it was that post where I first commented on your blog. Somehow you must have found me first, and then I visited you and got awestruck from the cemetary images. The tint of the photos really adds to the overall feel, and one could almost hear the faint whispers from the departed souls. It was simply beautiful. And THAT, my dear, is how we became friends!
What a wisdom filled post.
And what a magnificent photo you took. Just lovely subject, and you captured it so well.
How Wonderful for you!!! The shot is Sheer and peaceful...I'n not in the Least surprised they picked yours!!!
Fantastic accomplishment!
Bravo! I'm sending you a virtual clapping session. I too am proud to be able to read your wonderful blog and view all those great shots. You're awesome.
Awesome! And it couldn't have happened to a better or more deserving person!
This is just the first of many, I'm sure. :)
@Donna M. ... I knew you would be proud of me! Jim is right of course, but at the same time, the Nikon Coolpix L20 is a pretty sweet little camera for the money! I am continually amazed by the results I get with it. I'll be like a kid in a candy store on an unlimited expense account when I get a DSLR!
@Aunt Amelia ... thank you and I am glad you enjoyed it. Some things, when you come right down to it, are quite simple!
@Donna ... thanks luvvy! I could learn a lot from you ... and I have!
@Irene ... I am basking in the glow of your approval and applause! You are awesome as well and your blog is like fresh air to me.
@Kev ... I hope you're right. You usually are ... so, to quote the pirate: I'm good wiv it!