Think the eco-fascists are just kidding around?

Think again, because they're not.
If you don't buy -- and I do mean BUY -- into climate change, a/k/a one of the biggest scamhoaxes ever perpetrated on modern civilization, its evangelists want you DEAD.
And apparently -- although they claim they're just joking -- the more violent your death, the better. Unlike with other wars, your age and gender are non-issues.
The viral nature of this video and the ensuing public outcry against it having already prompted a weak apology by its pushers, the 10:10 organization, there is some text over the screen as the mini-movie begins. I suggest you pause the video and read it, then continue watching if you dare.
(You can turn OFF the text altogether by hovering your pointer on the white triangle at the bottom right of the red bar, then going up to the top box and clicking "turn off annotations.")

Reader Comments (7)
That is horrible! Now they are apologizing? It's a little too late!
That was terrible. I heard about it on Fox. The outrage is growing.
Just the pic shown, has convinced me that it's too close to dinner time for me to watch this. But I believe you! I believe you! I think a lot of our thinking, is in synch. :-)
Btw, I always wear skirts, so your cute button [Be totally different, wear a skirt], is very much appreciated by me.
I shouldn't sound proud of myself though, since back when my *figerrrr* would allow it, I wore my share of pants. But........ I do love all my cotton dresses, in which I dress 365 days a year. :-)
@Mari ... I don't even think their late apology is sincere! These wackos think that within FOUR YEARS (from now!) we will no longer have a functioning planet unless we all knuckle under to their ridiculous demands. It's all about the almighty dollar.
@Debbie ... Methinks they've stirred a pot with this one that they might rather wish they hadn't.
@Aunt Amelia ... That is so cool and so wonderful, about your wearing only skirts just like me! BTW that picture in my sidebar is MY skirt, MY feet, and MY shoes! I love looking like a girl all the time, from every angle. And my figure's not what it used to be either. When you think you can stomach it, be sure and watch the video. Everyone should see it so there's no question what we're up against.
I saw that several days ago and wanted to vomit. I put a link on my twitter. This disgusting and disturbing video is NOT funny in the least unless you are a psycho or a progressive. Joking about the execution of people who do not conform to their political agenda is like joking about Hitler's execution of the Jews during World War II. Their apology rings hollow. They really don't see any harm, which exposes how sick and twisted these people really are.
I've seen this....pathetic!!!!!
I'm PRAYING American Dems WAKE UP!!!!!
@Donna M ... it is sickening. What is sad is that the makers of this film thought it was funny and thought everyone else would think it funny too. What arrogance.
@Donna ... I'm afraid they'll never wake up. They're vampires and the only cure is a stake through the heart. I do believe people like this are given over to a reprobate mind.