I found the write dog

While we were gone to Myrtle Beach, our neighbor's son checked in on Javier every day.
Yes ... Javier the Chihuahua remained home alone.
Don't freak; we had a system.
First we propped open the door from the garage to the back yard pool area.
Then, inside the garage, on the stoop beside the door that leads into the kitchen, we put Javier's crate and his food dish.
That way, the big J could chill in his crate whenever he felt like it -- or whenever it rained -- and enjoy the balmy weather out of doors if/when that was his preference.
Our neighbor's son came down each day and, using the code I'd provided to him, opened the garage door and spent some time with Javier. He checked his food and freshened his water and sat a spell.
Even so, when we returned home after a mere three days, Javier was ... shall we say, happy to see us.
I held him for a while, then carried him around the yard and house, checking on everything, as one does.
Presently we sat down so that I could rest and Javier could engage in a protracted paw-licking session on my lap.
Later as I was thinking about preparing supper for TG and myself, Javier had an idea which I thought was quite sweet.
He wanted to write the neighbor boy a note thanking him for his excellent caretaking attentions.
I explained to Javier that I already planned to pay the boy.
Javier said I could tuck the money into the card. I couldn't think of an argument for that.
True to form, my dog chose a card with a picture of a dog to write his thank-you note in. And while his penmanship leaves something to be desired, one cannot argue with the sweetness of his sentiments.
He insisted on accompanying me two doors down to deliver the missive. Of course he became sidetracked a time or two (messages to check) but all in all it was a productive excursion.
We feel fortunate to have such a well-mannered and courteous little canine living amongst us.
And we're glad for good neighbors too.

Reader Comments (2)
That is hilarious. I love it that I can now visualize your house and the neighbourhood when you tell your stories.
That's great. We have not gone and left Penny. We would leave her at the Vet I suppose, where they would pamper and pet her like a princess. I would prefer to leave her at home where she is comfortable. Great picks.