Go Cubs Go ...

... go Cubs go! Hey Chicago whaddaya say? The Cubs are gonna win today ...
The Chicago Cubs clinched the division at Wrigley today, 5-4 against the St. Louis Cardinals.
TG -- a die-hard Cub fan -- is, to put it mildly, ecstatic.
"Cubbies! Cubbbbbbies," he keeps crooning.
Whatever floats your boat, darling.
The Cubs last won the World Series one century ago.
I love all things Chicago and I think that's long enough for anybody to wait.
Good luck in the playoffs, Cubbies.
Just to be safe, let's give the billy goat a seat of honor this time.

Reader Comments (9)
I think the Cubs deserve to win. It is about time!
Cheryl, it sure would be exciting! There would be rejoicing at my house.
Did you hear that Eddie Vedder (of Pearl Jam fame) just penned a song specifically for the Cubs?? ;-)
@ Angi ... never heard of that guy but the Cubs sure do deserve a song! I hope they go all the way.
It's about time the Cubs won! I'll keep my fingers crossed for them and TG!
Here ya go! :)
@ Keli ... thanks luv! He's so psyched.
@ Angi ... that's fantastic! TG loves it! Thanks for that!
The Cubs are trouncing the Mets right now. That's why I am here and not there by the TV. After your pitcher hit a grand slam I realized the Mets were done. :-(
@ LL ... I really should be watching that but I was reading instead! I'll have to go see what TG has to say about it!