Make Mine Al Dente
This fraternal YouTube has been watched in excess of fifty-one million times (at least a dozen of those by me) and as such you've likely already seen it too ... but as it never fails to crack me up, I offer it as a momentary diversion.
If you can say nothing else about Charlie, he certainly is toothful.
I'm over here writing so you'll have something to read come Monday. It won't hurt a bit.
Happy weekend, everyone!
Reader Comments (4)
Wow - fifty-one million times? Good heavens above. I'd better get busy and make some vids for YouTube! So far I only have two up there. 'Greyhound Shelling Peas' got a fair few hits, but nothing like that! LOL!
@ Jay ... Greyhound Shelling Peas is a great YouTube and no mistake ... but there's something about those British tots, Charlie and his big bro, that has captivated the world.
I was waiting for Charlie to get whopped on the head.
Big bro took it really well.
Cheryl, he sure did. Charlie was lucky his brother had so much patience!