For Shame

Last Saturday TG and I attended a public event that took place in downtown Columbia.
I hesitate to call it this because at least one of the words does not apply, but the event was what is referred to nowadays as a "gay pride" parade.
Why in the name of all that is logical, you may be asking yourself, did we show up for that?
Because our pastor asked the men of our church to be there -- actually several hundred men from several area Baptist churches were there at the behest of their pastors -- to peacefully protest by holding signs and Bibles as the homosexuals flaunted their perversion on the streets of our fair city.
That explains why TG was on the scene. I just wanted to take pictures.
And I wanted to see and experience for myself the way this type of thing works.
We don't go to Disney World so I've never actually witnessed a gay pride parade.
Let's get one thing out of the way. The homosexuals of South Carolina are citizens just like me and, if they're employed and pay taxes, they are taxpayers just like me.
Even if they don't work and pay taxes, servicemen throughout American history have fought and died for their freedom just as much as for mine.
As such, technically they are fully within their rights to organize and participate in a non-violent public demonstration.
The City of Columbia spent thousands of dollars subsidizing this event. Taxpayer dollars. (Because that's the only kind of money at the disposal of any government.)
There was a police escort provided for the parading Sodomites, which I guess was to be expected given the controversial nature of the outing.
But that wasn't all. Homosexual police officers -- in uniform -- took part in the parade, not only walking but driving vehicles owned by the State of South Carolina, paid for by its taxpayers and using gasoline bought by those same taxpayers.
Also one of our fire trucks was used, manned (I assume, and yes I use the term "manned" lightly) by homosexual firefighters.
OK chill, you may be thinking at this point. The "gays" are going to do what they're going to do. It's a fact of life. If you don't like it, don't watch and even if you watched, don't think about it.
But I did watch and I have been thinking about it.
As a result there are two things I wish to point out. And neither one are the fact that the homosexual lifestyle is perverted and an abomination to almighty God.
Which, by the way, it is.
The first thing I want to say is that this issue is always packaged and sold as being about equality. As if the homosexuals' only demand is that they be treated exactly as heterosexuals are treated.
(Sort of like affirmative action. Which worked so well. *eye roll*)
But that "equality" thing is a red herring at worst and a minuscule portion of the homosexual agenda at best.
What they want is control. They won't be satisfied until their lifestyle is socially legitimized and completely destigmatized to the point that even the slightest dissension may be squelched quickly and legally.
They don't simply demand that we accept what they do. They demand that we actively endorse what they do, and that we be coerced by our government into advocating for them.
Another of their most dearly-held goals is to destroy traditional marriage and the nuclear family. To rend the fabric of society as we know it, until it no longer exists.
Ergo their main focus is children. One of the homosexuals' primary avenues of activism is distributing material to public schools -- all grades -- which material teachers are forced to use in "educating" America's children about the normalcy of homosexuality and the wickedness of those bigoted haters who would oppose it.
The second thing I want to point out is that, in South Carolina at least, sodomy is illegal.
Oh, I can hear you now. Good grief girl, haven't you read the stories that go around the Internet about stupid laws like, for example, in Rhode Island it is against the law to eat a Frito corn chip on the Southwest corner of a street named after a flower any time after three o'clock in the afternoon on a Tuesday?
Or, in Montana if you give your pet ferret a manicure without first going down to the courthouse and obtaining a permit, it is punishable by a fine of at least ten dollars but not to exceed twenty-five dollars?
Yes. Yes, I've heard of those laws. They're pretty funny and of course everyone laughs and no one dreams of enforcing them. It would just be too ridiculous and nobody would stand for it.
And yet still, I stubbornly call your attention to the South Carolina Code of Laws Section 16-15-120. Buggery.
Whoever shall commit the abominable crime of buggery, whether with mankind or with beast, shall, on conviction, be guilty of felony and shall be imprisoned in the Penitentiary for five years or shall pay a fine of not less than five hundred dollars, or both, at the discretion of the court.
In case you're not familiar with the term buggery, it means sodomy. If you don't know what that means, I'm sorry but you'll have to look it up.
So, last Saturday, the City of Columbia -- to include not only the Richland County Sheriff's Department but Sheriff Leon Lott himself -- wholeheartedly endorsed, helped to finance, and flagrantly participated in an event promoting the commission of what is classified in our laws as an abominable crime and a felony.
Sheriff Lott, a member of First Baptist Church of Columbia, is married and the father of four daughters. The homosexuals really dig him because he has a long history of going to bat for them in Columbia, a place described by the Sodomites as being about "anti-everything hate."
Hey y'all! What if in a couple of weeks those who enjoy drinking and driving decide to have a parade on Main Street, up to the State House, turning west on Gervais and cruising past the bars in The Vista?
Drunk driving is illegal. Will the Sheriff's Department and the Fire Department and the City of Columbia underwrite that too, and take part in public promotion of those who would indulge in operating an automobile while inebriated?
Will the bar owners and managers and tenders who serve patrons drink after drink, then watch them leave the watering holes clearly intending to get behind the wheel of a car and drive on our roads, march along with them?
I don't think so. In fact, South Carolina places ads on television wherein they publicize actual statements made by people who habitually drink and drive, essentially daring law enforcement to stop them. The Highway Patrol makes it abundantly clear they're cracking down and if you do it, eventually you'll get busted and your carcass will end up in jail.
Shall we enforce the laws prohibiting drunk driving the same way we enforce laws prohibiting sodomy? As in, not at all, no way, don't even think about it?
If not, why not?
Maybe because the Sodomites comprise a coveted voting block. Drunks, not so much. And our politicians and law enforcement officials are not only afraid of the backlash that would inevitably result from saying no to homosexuals; they're willingly in league with them.
Just throwing out random ideas.
Maybe that's why homosexual men strutted in front of our State House on Saturday wearing only combat boots, tight underwear, and leather straps. Obviously in violation of even the loosest interpretation of South Carolina's public indecency laws, not to mention egregious identification with that buggery thing.
What if every SCDOT employee in Columbia decided to come to work dressed that way next Monday, and to walk down the street at lunchtime so attired?
I have a feeling there would be trouble. Maybe even a few arrests. But last Saturday, Columbia law enforcement aided and abetted this type of behavior just because the gentle, loving, misunderstood and oft-mistreated homosexuals were doing it.
People. I know the Bible says judge not lest ye be judged. I know Jesus said, he who is without sin cast the first stone. I realize all men (and women) are sinners who need to repent -- daily -- and that judgment belongs to God alone. I am fully aware that Christians have been known to commit sexual sins along with all the other kinds.
But don't be so puerile and brainwashed as to take the easy route and judge Christians who would actively speak out against sodomy as being nothing more than prudish self-righteous judgmental Bible-thumpers, hopelessly behind the times, bitter because they're not allowed to "enjoy" perversion and promiscuity.
Also don't cop out by assuming anyone who hates the sin automatically despises the sinner.
Not only is all of the above untrue to the point of being utter nonsense, but the issues at stake are much more complex than that. And if you don't give me an amen right there, I fear your conscience may be irreparably seared and I pity you.
(You might be surprised if you knew the truth about who has more fun in the bedroom. Sorry if it upsets your liberal applecart but the truly lucky ones in that department -- by any standard you care to name -- are married and monogamous heterosexuals. One man, one woman, for life. That's because God's way is always the best way.)
Then again, you may agree with what I've written here but you say nothing because you dread facing the disdain and ridicule of others, whether in the workplace or in your own family or even at church, or you're convinced it's too late to push back. An exercise in utter futility. We're too far gone.
Perhaps. Perhaps not. We shall see.
There are many who believe no cause is lost if there is but one fool left who'll fight for it.
Those who advocate shamelessly evil acts have no problem being obnoxiously vocal -- even militant -- about it. Why should those who stand for right and decency keep their mouths shut and meekly go away?
Make no mistake: they are counting on our silence. The success of their mission depends to a great degree on your apathy and mine. It also hinges on our fear of them and of what they can do with the help of their influential "friends" like for example faithful church member Sheriff Leon Lott, who wilfully flouts the laws he has sworn to uphold and which the taxpayers of South Carolina pay him to enforce.
Last Saturday the Sodomites who marched in Columbia experienced some faith-based opposition and I for one am thankful for the men -- my husband included -- who had the courage to stand in 95-degree heat and crushing humidity and be a presence for truth and right, if only by holding high a copy of God's Word.
Because all that's required for immorality and perversion to advance unchecked is for moral, decent men to stay home, watch football, mow the lawn, pride themselves on being good husbands, fathers and providers, and ignore all that is destroying our beloved country.